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Gandhi and Simple Jerky (my second blog post)

beef jerky erhaeltlichkeit markt marktstand neuigkeiten salzburg schrannenmarkt simple jerky

"Become the change you want to see in the universe."


"What do you mean you don't have any beef jerky."

                                                         -Ben Jacobs


Dudes, a country without beef jerky is like peanut butter without jelly. It's like the ocean without water. It's like an Austrian farmer without Lederhosen. It's like the Republican Party without a complete moron running for President. It's like Gangster Rap without promoting violence, degrading women, and reinforcing racial and ethnic stereotypes......ok, you get the idea....it sucks.


Luckily for you, I went out and solved the problem for everyone living in Austria!


There is now kickass beef jerky being produced right here in Austria.....thanks to me. You can find it at the English Shop on 21 Kaigassee, the Schrannenmarkt every Thursday, and our website www.simplejerky.at. There are other locations coming soon.....



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